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Immune Boosting Fermented Honey Garlic

In this recipe for immune boosting fermented honey garlic, these two super foods join together to give your immune system the boost it needs during cold and flu season. Garlic is high in antioxidants and has anti-bacterial properties. It's known for being anti-inflammatory, improving heart health, can help prevent some types of cancers. The allicin in garlic is what gives it it's immune boosting properties. Raw honey contains a variety of plant chemicals which act as antioxidants. Raw honey is also known for it's antibacterial and antifungal properties.


Organic Raw Honey (Enough to cover all of the garlic)

5-6 bulbs of Raw Organic Garlic

Clean glass jar such as a mason jar


Peel cloves of garlic. Put garlic into a clean glass jar and cover fully with organic honey. Loosely secure with lid and store in a cool dark place such as the back of a cabinet for 1 month. Every other day, tighten the lid and rotate the jar upside down to mix and then right side up and loosen the lid again to burp the jar. You may want to place a dish or shallow bowl under the jar in case the contents bubble over during the fermentation process. The garlic will ferment for about a month but you can eat the garlic at any time after 5 days during this period.

Suggested Dose: 1 Tbs. of the honey by itself or eat one whole clove of garlic with the honey daily to boost your immunity.

Notes: Because of the fermentation process the garlic may take on a blue/green tint. As long as your garlic has been completely covered in honey there is no need to worry and it is safe to consume. As garlic ferments it will begin to settle toward the bottom of the jar and the honey will become more watery.


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