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Detox 101

Detox 101: All About The Basics

Detox has become a buzzword in the healthy wellness industry. When most people think of detoxing they think of shakes, juices, or a liver cleanse. Detoxing can be so much more then that.

Have you ever tried a detox?

I have. A few times, actually. The detox that I tried was 3 days long and it involved eating small meals of only vegetables, shakes, and a nasty tasting sludge like fiber drink. I never even made it past day 2. I just couldn't do it. I was STARVING and cringed every time I had to down the sludge. I drank it as quickly as possible but it was so thick I felt as though I had to chew it, and the taste... oh man the taste. Now let me just say that I'm not bashing anyone. The detox that I did was very popular and I know a few people who completed it successfully. It just wasn't for me.

It wasn't until I became a health coach and received my Detox Certification from IIN that I realized detoxing is bio-individual and can involve so much more than shakes and fiber drinks.

If you want a quick overview on other ways to detox. I've got you. Read on my friend.

Just like everything health and wellness, detoxing is bio-individual. There are 2 questions that I ask my clients when they tell me they want to detox. What does your body need right now and how are you willing to change your habits to support that lifestyle?


What does your body need right now? Let's boost the detoxification process.

More energy? Less bloating? Decrease in inflammation? Better sleep?

Detoxes aren't all bad. They aren't all about losing weight either. There can be many benefits to detoxing your body. The first question that I suggest you ask yourself is "What does my body need?" This will help you determine how you want to go about detoxing. Remember, your body knows how to detox itself naturally. Although it may not always feel like it, your body is a well oiled super complex machine. It is also very smart. You were born with everything you need to detox naturally but sometimes we feel like we need a little "detox boost". So, here are a few ways you can help your body amp up the detoxification process naturally.

-Eat organic fruits and vegetables- Many fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides. By eliminating or reducing your intake of these pesticides you are reducing your toxic load, giving your body a chance to flush out the toxins that have already been built up.

-Eat seasonally- by eating foods grown in season you are increasing your nutrient intake

-Try out an elimination diet if necessary- eliminating foods such as dairy, gluten, sugar, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, corn, and processed foods that frequently cause IBS symptoms and bloating even for a short amount of time (but for at least 2 weeks) will give your body a chance to heal and repair itself

-Eat more fiber- fiber acts like a net in your intestines, trapping the toxins instead of allowing them to be absorbed by your body

-Stay hydrated- our body's are 60% percent water. Staying hydrated will allow you to continuously flush the toxins from your body


There are two ways I recommend detoxing ,Crowding out and Sustainable Shifts. When you "crowd out" you focus on adding in healthier elements instead of eliminating what you feel may be unhealthy. This is all about making mindset shifts. Crowding out allows you to focus on positivity rather than negativity and allows you to feel healthy and nourished instead of deprived.

By now I'm sure that you know consistency builds habits. The only way that we can stay consistent is by making sustainable shifts. Jumping all in when starting a new program that you're excited about may seem like the best idea but by weeks two or three that excitement you felt in the beginning starts fading as does our motivation because we just can't keep up with all of the new shifts at once. You see this happen a lot with people who are yo-yo dieters. We can't keep up with all of the new changes and most of us revert back two our old habits. Making too many changes at once even though they may be positive makes it more difficult to follow through. When making sustainable shifts we focus on changing only one or two things at a time, allowing us to follow through without feeling overwhelmed or restricted. This is how healthy habits are made.

Not sure where to start? Need some support?

If you're feeling like you aren't quite sure where to start or if you need some support, My Detox 101 Program is for you. Find out how to detox your mind, body and home in just four weeks. Reach out or comment below for more information.

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